Farm Education Award shortlist
Nonington Farms is delighted and hugely honoured to have been shortlisted for the LEAF-Bayer Education Awards in the Primary school category. The farm is delighted to have been recognised by the judges for the educational work they do in linking children of all ages to the farmed environment.
The Bayer-Leaf Education Awards celebrate those who "go the extra mile to share their passion for food and farming, as well as projects that reach out to young people ‘to ignite their interest in farming and countryside’."
The four award categories include: the primary school partnership award, the secondary school partnership award, the innovation award, and the young inspirational communicator award
Alice Turnbull, Bayer communications and government affairs specialist, says that “at a time when there is so much uncertainty about prospects for UK agriculture post-Brexit, these awards are an excellent way of highlighting farmers and individuals who go to considerable efforts to communicate about modern farming."