What do we do?
We provide an all-in-one farming service to land owners. This includes land management services beyond arable crop production, such as environmental stewardship schemes, sustainable farming incentive, woodland and hedgerow management and other natural capital enhancement programmes. We are now integrating private funding into our environmental schemes and using this as an important income stream for our land owners.
How do we achieve this?
Our system is based around a regenerative farming system and involving livestock where this is practical. We supply very skilled labour using highly technical machinery, precision technology techniques and professional agronomy services, which all go into the growing and production of arable crops. We take a medium to long term approach to managing the land we are responsible for and have a strong focus on soil health. Once the crops are cut, we process them through our advanced grain storage facilities, and market them within the UK. Currently 25% of our crops attract an additional premium for being sustainably produced. We use advanced bookkeeping and accounting personnel and software in order to account for everything we do and report this regularly to our clients.

What is regenerative agriculture?
We believe so firmly in the principles of regenerative agriculture, that we now only operate with farms and land owners who share this vision and want help putting it in to practice. Regenerative agriculture, sustainable farming, is a system which increases soil health and biodiversity across the farm by simple practices of:
Always having a living root in the ground, whether that is the cash crop (e.g. wheat) or, once that has been harvested, a cover crop (a complex mixture of other plants)
Avoiding soil disturbance by using direct drilling techniques whenever possible to drill crops
Incorporating livestock into the rotation, thus supporting a pasture-fed, outdoor livestock system in to the bargain
Reducing the use of artificial fertilisers and also of sprays
This system, adopted by us over the past few years, is having a huge beneficial impact on our soils (increasing organic matter, and therefore sequestering more carbon), increasing biodiversity across the farm, whether in terms of birds, bees, butterflies or worm counts; and ultimately making the farm carbon negative.