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We are very proud of our farm, and our farming way of life which, at its heart, is the environment. We feel very keenly our responsibility not only to look after the farm now, but for future generations to come. We think that the best way to do this is to improve the farmland now, delicately managing the challenge of maximising output at the same time as protecting the natural farming environment.

What we do for nature

All of our farms are in agri-environment schemes, which provide funding to farmers provided that they deliver effective and appropriate environmental management of the countryside. Our own farm, and all of our clients’ farms are in the Higher or Mid-tier Countryside Stewardship Scheme. These farms are committed over a 5 year programme to deliver a complex array of active and environmentally beneficial management practices, such as providing over wintering habitats for birds, or the provision of wild flowers for pollinators. In addition to the CSS, we are also integrating private funding for year to year options such as cover crops and herbal leys. The integration of livestock into our farming system has really helped our herbal and wild flower plots flourish, using strip grazing.


We are one of the founding members of the Barham cluster group, stretching from Canterbury to Dover. Our focus is to provide a wide range of interconnecting habitat on a long term basis. We are very proud of our increasing Turtle dove population.

We fully support environmental stewardship of the countryside, and like to showcase our efforts to neighbouring farmers and other interested parties throughout the year.