Environmental Champion of the Year
The whole NFL team attended the prestigious Farmers Weekly Awards in London last week, and what a night it was! Alongside 1200 other people from the farming community up and down the country, we feasted on British produce at Grosvenor House, before the Awards ceremony kicked off. Nonington Farms were absolutely delighted to be crowned Environmental Champion of the Year!
It is such a proud moment for us to win this award, and great that we could all be there to see James and Emma go up on stage to receive the award. It is a great honour for us to be recognised as championing sustainable farming and regenerative agriculture. It was also great to see the efforts from farms all over the UK, taking care of the land and farming with nature rather than against it.
We would like to offer our huge thanks to Farmers Weekly for hosting such a fantastic and unforgettable night celebrating Britain’s farmers.